
Want to pass the Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination without depriving yourself from having fun? Learning doesn’t have to be boring and dragging. It can be an enjoyable and memorable experience you’ll always bring throughout your nursing career. Where else could it be? Nursezone Review Center is the review center that has it all. It is equipped with lectures, challenging exams, test taking tips, and most of all, stress debriefing activities that you will never forget. Of course, all nursing review centers offer comprehensive lectures that would enhance the knowledge of the student who is about to take the board exam. They also give series of exams that would make the students’ noses bleed from understanding and analyzing such test questions. But what makes Nursezone different from the rest? One thing that I am sure of, they got Registered Nurse Staff who are very approachable and accommodating. Of course, I’m one of them! Kidding aside, it is but important to have RNs as staff of a nursing review center because they serve as inspiration to the board takers. Another thing that makes us unique from the rest is that we don’t just content ourselves from giving quality lectures to our students, but we also give quality time to our students. How? through our stress debriefing activities – activities that provide soothing relief from physical and mental stress. We invite people from religious organizations to conduct praise and worship, mass, and anointing of the examinees, which enlightens the students and gives them hope in the midst of their struggles and fears. We also have boodle fight (foods are served on top of banana leaves laid out on a series of long tables,and students use bare hands to eat), videoke sing-alongs during break time, and the most awaited Grand Final Coaching, held on the last day of review, wherein everybody is encouraged to participate and expose their talent.

Hearing all of these may arouse some excitement in you, but mind you, experiencing it is out of the ordinary! It always feels superb to remember how it is to be part of the Home of Successful nurses…wacky successful nurses! =)Home H

1 Response
  1. francute Says:

    just wanna ask the location of nursezone in davao? been searching online but cant find one.

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