Once you pop, you can’t seem to stop. This is how it feels when you keep on munching a stick of “proben.” This mouth-watering chicken gizzard, dipped in flour, deep-fried, and sold in roadside stalls, is the newest craze in town. Believe me, one stick is not enough. An intention of spending five to ten pesos (a stick costs five pesos), you will end up spending thirty pesos. It’s a perfect ‘merienda’ after a hard day’s work. It can even be your viand for dinner because it goes well with rice and a cup of buko juice. If I would have to speak of its taste, I would rather say that it is indescribable. Many of you might say that chicken gizzard itself is disgusting, but there’s something in “proben” that alters that conviction. It’s crispy on the outside, juicy and chewy on the inside. Immersing it to a choice of sweet sauce or spicy vinegar makes it more enticing! If you’re not convinced yet, better take a look at those hungry people crowding at "proben" stalls, eager to take a bite. As what a vendor had said, its name “proben” is derived from the two words “proben masarap”, or in English, “proven delicious!”
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