After a fulfilling meal, cakes are served for dessert. This is customarily to get a grip of the finishing touches of your sumptuous meal. Desserts are purposely served after having your main dish so that it won’t cut off your appetite. But if it would have been me, I would love to get a bite of it first. It brings on my appetite. What flavor makes my mouth water? No other than chocolate cakes! But of course, regardless of the flavor, I still find it irresistible to devour them as long as I get the chance of having the corners because of the swarming icing. After getting pleasure from a number of bites of a piece of cake, it is already when I sense the desire for food. It is when my appetite is induced. Weird, isn’t it? Well, that’s how cakes work for me. It is also perfect for coffee, which is my favorite hot drink, just as it makes my day reach its summit.
I love cakes too and ice cream, heck, come to think of it, I love all kinds of sweets. That was until I found out that my grandfather was diabetic and it was hereditarian. Since that dark day of truth, I've been controlling my sugar consumptions.
I wouldn't wanna end up sick now, would I?