Are you the kind of person who patronizes replicas? It may sound absurd and scary to use products that haven’t made a name in the market yet, but taking the risk might pay off. Wholesalers of China phones have now scattered in different arcades. For a very low cost, you can have all the features you want in a mobile phone – camera, video, mp4, bluetooth, touchscreen, and even television! Some may say that you don’t get your money’s worth because majority of these products are substandard and defective. But as a consumer, I would still go for it since it has guarantee for one month and I have the privilege to return and replace it with another unit if I’m not satisfied with the quality. It is indeed much safer than buying second hand original phones, I guess. And even if I have to buy a mobile phone twice in a year, I would still be able to allot a sum of money in my piggybank. I have been an enthusiast buyer of China phones since last year, and so far, so good!
hi sis!i like the 3rd fone from the left. what model is it?wasn't able to buy fones this afternoon coz we didn't like the ones on promo. i thought all models yung buy-1-take-1,di pala.hehe.i'll email you the details on how to monetize your blog ha?
as to generating more traffic,sign up for free at time,when u get enough credits for visiting other blogs,u may encash them if u like or use them to buy ad spaces.=)
and yes,thanks for the page you allotted to femmepower hehehe.